Xingjie Wei

Dr Xingjie Wei

Associate Professor in Business Analytics & Machine Learning

Research Interests: Social computing, business analytics, social data mining

Centre for Decision Research, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds

Email: x.wei1 at leeds dot ac dot uk
Twitter: @xingjiewei
Centre of Decision Research
University of Leeds


I am an Associate Professor in the Centre for Decision Research, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds. I received my Ph.D degree in Computer Science from the University of Warwick and worked as a Research Associate in the Psychometrics Centre, Cambridge Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge. Before joining Leeds, I was a lecturer at the University of Bath. I was also a Visiting Researcher in the National Lab of Pattern Recognition (NLPR) at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

My research interests lie in the interaction between data science, and business and management to understand human behaviour through psychological experiments, big data analytics, and machine learning modelling. My research develops quantitative models to describe and predict behavioural and psychological traits (e.g., personality) of humans from unstructured data (e.g., text, image), which can be applied to improve management practice in many fields such as marketing and finance. I am particularly interested in applying cross-disciplinary techniques to discover hidden patterns within data and generate insights to guide governments, public sector organisations, and businesses to transform the way they work to make their services more cost-effective and easier to use. I am particularly interested in:

Prospective students, post-docs and visiting researchers

I am accepting PhD students and am interested in supervising topics related to the above areas using big data and machine learning techniques. Students are also welcome to propose their own topics. I also welcome visiting PhD students. Please send me an email with your CV and research statement for further discussion. Scholarship opportunities: University, White Rose

Visiting and Post-doc researchers are welcome to apply for competitive fellowships. For example RS visiting fellowship




  1. 2024, A. Bayat, M. Goergen, P. Koutroumpis, X. Wei, "The impact of CEO political ideology on labor cost reductions and payout decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic", Journal of Corporate Finance (ABS4) [PDF] [DOI] [Bibtex]
  2. 2024, V. Giannetti, J. Chen and X. Wei, "Actors' Facial Similarity and its Impact on U.S. Movies' Box-Office Performance in East and South-East Asia", International Marketing Review (ABS3) [PDF] [DOI] [Bibtex]
  3. 2022, W. Huang, S. Vismara and X. Wei, "Confidence and Capital Raising", Journal of Corporate Finance (ABS4) [PDF] [DOI] [Bibtex]
  4. 2020, Y. Liu, M. Hultman, A. B. Eisingerich, X. Wei. "How Does Brand Loyalty Interact with Tourism Destination? Exploring the Effect of Brand Loyalty on Place Attachment", Annals of Tourism Research (ABS4). [PDF] [DOI] [Bibtex]
  5. 2018, A. Doukani, X. Wei, B. Kader, F. Soazandry, & B. Inkser (2018). "Views From the Street Pilot Study: Constraints and Difficulties of Using Photographs in Research of a Complex Nature Such as Homelessness", Biomedical Informatics Insights. [PDF] [DOI] [Bibtex]
  6. 2017, G. Zhao, Y. Ge, B. Shen, X. Wei, and H. Wang, "Emotion Analysis for Personality Inference from EEG Signals", IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (Impact factor: 13.99), Dec. 2017 [Bibtex] [PDF]
  7. 2014, X. Wei, C.-T. Li, Z. Lei, D. Yi, Stan Z. Li, "Dynamic Image-to-Class Warping for Occluded Face Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS) (Impact factor: 7.231), vol. 9, no. 12, Dec. 2014 [Bibtex] [PDF] [Code]
  8. 2014, Y. Guan, X. Wei, and C.-T. Li, "On the Generalization Power of Face and Gait in Gender Recognition", International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics (IJDCF), vol. 6, no. 1, Jan. 2014 [Bibtex] [PDF] (Winner of the 2014 IGI Global's Excellence in Research Journal Award)

Peer-reviewed Conference (Proceeding)

  1. 2018, H. Wang, X. Wei, V. Sanchez and C.-T. Li, "Fusion Network for Face-Based Age Estimation", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Oct., 2018, Greece [Bibtex] [PDF]
  2. 2017, X. Wei and D. Stillwell, “How smart does your profile image look? Estimating intelligence from social network profile images”, ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), Feb., 2017, UK [Bibtex] [PDF] [Slides] [Poster]
  3. 2016, X. Wei*, J. Palomaki*, J. Yan and P. Robinson, "The Science and Detection of Tilting", ACM International Conference in Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), Jun., 2016, US (*denotes equal contribution) [Bibtex] [PDF] [Slides]
  4. 2015, B.-B. Liu, X. Wei and J. Yan, "Enhancing sensor pattern noise for source camera identification: an empirical evaluation", ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security (IH&MMSEC), Jun., 2015, US [Bibtex] [PDF]
  5. 2014, Y. Guan, X. Wei, C.-T. Li, and Y. Keller, "People Identification and Tracking through Fusion of Facial and Gait Features", Invited Paper, International Workshop on Biometrics (BIOMET), Jun., 2014, Bulgaria [Bibtex] [PDF]
  6. 2014, X. Lin, X. Wei and C.-T. Li, "Two improved forensic methods of detecting contrast enhancement in digital images", IS&T/SPIE Conference on Media Watermarking, Security, and Forensics, Feb., 2014, US [Bibtex] [PDF]
  7. 2013, Y. Guan, X. Wei, C.-T. Li, G. L. Marcialis, F. Roli and M. Tistarelli, "Combining Gait and Face for Tackling the Elapsed Time Challenges" IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS), Sep. 2013, US [Bibtex] [PDF]
  8. 2013, X. Wei and C.-T. Li, "Fixation and Saccade based Face Recognition from Single Image per Person with Various Occlusions and Expressions", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop on Biometrics (CVPRW), Jun. 2013, US [Bibtex] [PDF] [Slides]
  9. 2013, X. Wei, C.-T. Li and Y. Hu, "Face Recognition with Occlusion Using Dynamic Image-to-Class Warping (DICW)", IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), Apr. 2013, China [Bibtex] [PDF] [Slides] [Poster] [Code]
  10. 2013, X. Wei, C.-T. Li and Y. Hu, "Robust Face Recognition with Occlusions in both Reference and Query Images", International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), Apr. 2013, Portugal [Bibtex] [PDF] [Slides]
  11. 2012, X. Wei, C.-T. Li and Y. Hu, “Robust Face Recognition under Varying Illumination and Occlusion considering Structured Sparsity”, International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), Dec. 2012, Australia [Bibtex] [PDF] [Slides]

Book Chapter

  1. 2016, X. Wei and C.-T. Li, “Face Recognition Technologies for Evidential Evaluation of Video Traces”, Handbook of Biometrics for Forensic Science, ed. by M. Tistarelli and C. Champod, Springer (in press) [Bibtex] [PDF]
  2. 2015, B. Arbab-Zavar, X. Wei, J.D. Bustard, M.S. Nixon and C.-T. Li, "On Forensic Use of Biometrics", Handbook of Digital Forensics of Multimedia Data and Devices, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.[Bibtex] [PDF]



I am the Head of Year for Bsc Business Analytics Programme (2018-2021), and the Academic Tutor for the MSc Business Analytics and Decision Sciences programme (since 2020). I am also passionate about contributing to STEM education for young people by hosting Nuffield Research Placement projects.

Since 2018, University of Leeds

2017-2018, University of Bath

Research Impact

  • Our research this and this have been featured by the LUBS research blog: Revolutionising financial decision-making with emerging technologies and interdisciplinary approaches
  • Our research project 'Digital footprints for climate change insight' has been featured by the Further Together campaign of the University
  • Selected media coverage around our research How smart does your profile image look? Estimating intelligence from social network profile images: Cambridge News, The Bold Italic, Digital Trends, Techspot, Fusion. Attention score:

  • Professional Activity

    Editorial service

    External PhD examiner

    External mentor

    Invited Talk

    Conference and Workshop Organisation

    Program Committees Member

    Journal Reviewer

    Conference Reviewer

    Book Reviewer

    Personal Hobbies

    Landscape Photography, Cats